"AniTech 2023" is a comprehensive event aimed at the next generation of anime enthusiasts and creators, focusing on the fun of creating anime, introducing 2D animation software operation, and 3D animation technology. It also covers the making and market appeal of anime works, talent discovery, and development in the field of anime production technology.
This year marks the first in-person event in four years. It will offer insights into how anime productions are created, the cutting-edge technologies and production techniques that support them, and the unique features of various production companies. There will be a wealth of sessions and exhibitions from multiple anime studios. Since it operates on a pre-registration basis, please register in advance for the sessions you wish to attend and join us at the event.
**Event Details:**
- **Title:** AniTech 2023 - Anime Production Technology Comprehensive Event
- **AniTech 2023 Official Website:** [Link](
- **Date:** September 23, 2023 (Saturday)
- **Venue:** UDX GALLERY NEXT/UDX GALLERY, 4-14-1 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021
- **Main Session Topics:** Various sessions presented by different organizations and experts in the field of anime production technology.
- **Capacity:** 120 - 240 participants (varies by session)
- **Participation Fee:** Free (Pre-registration required)
- **Organizer:** Too Inc.
- **Special Sponsor:** Autodesk Inc.
- **Sponsors:** Canon Marketing Japan Inc., P-SOFT HOUSE Inc., Force Media Inc., Wacom Co., Ltd., Wasabi Technologies Japan LLP
- **Cooperation:** Various organizations and companies related to anime production technology
In addition to the main event, there is a concurrent project called the "Fourth Portfolio Draft Meeting," a web job hunting event for students aspiring to become CG artists (modelers, riggers, animators, etc.) targeting multiple anime CG production companies. The application deadline is September 29, 2023.
**Portfolio Draft Meeting Details:** [Link](
For inquiries regarding the event, please contact:
Too Inc. AniTech Event Office
Address: 3-4-7 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001, Toranomon 36 Mori Building
Please note that the event details are subject to change without prior notice.
This year marks the first in-person event in four years. It will offer insights into how anime productions are created, the cutting-edge technologies and production techniques that support them, and the unique features of various production companies. There will be a wealth of sessions and exhibitions from multiple anime studios. Since it operates on a pre-registration basis, please register in advance for the sessions you wish to attend and join us at the event.
**Event Details:**
- **Title:** AniTech 2023 - Anime Production Technology Comprehensive Event
- **AniTech 2023 Official Website:** [Link](
- **Date:** September 23, 2023 (Saturday)
- **Venue:** UDX GALLERY NEXT/UDX GALLERY, 4-14-1 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021
- **Main Session Topics:** Various sessions presented by different organizations and experts in the field of anime production technology.
- **Capacity:** 120 - 240 participants (varies by session)
- **Participation Fee:** Free (Pre-registration required)
- **Organizer:** Too Inc.
- **Special Sponsor:** Autodesk Inc.
- **Sponsors:** Canon Marketing Japan Inc., P-SOFT HOUSE Inc., Force Media Inc., Wacom Co., Ltd., Wasabi Technologies Japan LLP
- **Cooperation:** Various organizations and companies related to anime production technology
In addition to the main event, there is a concurrent project called the "Fourth Portfolio Draft Meeting," a web job hunting event for students aspiring to become CG artists (modelers, riggers, animators, etc.) targeting multiple anime CG production companies. The application deadline is September 29, 2023.
**Portfolio Draft Meeting Details:** [Link](
For inquiries regarding the event, please contact:
Too Inc. AniTech Event Office
Address: 3-4-7 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001, Toranomon 36 Mori Building
Please note that the event details are subject to change without prior notice.