"Evangelion" is a highly popular animated series that began with the broadcast of the TV series "Neon Genesis Evangelion" in 1995. Set in a world devastated by the unprecedented catastrophe known as "Second Impact," the story revolves around 14-year-old boys and girls who become pilots of the humanoid battle weapons known as "Evangelions," engaging in battles against mysterious foes known as "Angels." The movie reboot series "Evangelion: New Theatrical Edition" started in 2007 and has seen the release of three films, with the latest installment scheduled for release in 2021. Hakone, which serves as the model for the fortified city "Tokyo-3," where the story takes place, has become a beloved location closely associated with Evangelion. Throughout the series, recognizable Hakone landmarks, such as Hakone Yumoto Station, the Hakone Tozan Railway, Owakudani, and Lake Ashi, make appearances. After watching the series, it is recommended to visit Hakone to experience the place from a different perspective and enjoy the connection to the anime.
Hakone: A Treasure Trove of Unique Tourist Spots - Japan Culture Guide
Hakone offers a diverse range of tourist spots, including art museums, historical sites, temples, and shrines.